The RiverBend Growth Association (RBGA) celebrated a new member and business to Alton with a ribbon cutting on Thursday January 4th. Alton Family Martial Arts and Fitness, located in Nautilus Fitness Center at 4425 Industrial Drive in Alton is owned by Adam and April Marburger. Growth Association Director of Member Services, Trish Holmes led the ceremony that was attended by employees, family, friends and RBGA Ambassadors, by asking Adam Marburger to describe Alton Family Martial Arts and Fitness. Marburger said the business offers Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, boxing, kick-boxing, judo, and youth martial arts. “The reason why we’re here is we want to help as many people get in shape and learn how to defend themselves.” “We have an incredible youth program.” he said.”
Alton Family Martial Arts and Fitness(Inside Nautilus Fitness)4425 Industrial DriveAlton, IL 62002618-979-7405
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